Thursday, March 22, 2007

Haikus gone missing!

The haikus are on hiatus! I am burned out from those little seventeen syllable poems. Don't get me wrong I still love and appreciate the power of a well written haiku, but they have started to get mundane and formulaic. I have begun to notice a trend. Whenever I had a really good meal, play an interesting soccer game, or have a very busy, stressful day I end up writing the haiku of the day about it. I need brainstorms about topics to write about...if anyone has any ideas for me, I am more than open for suggestions.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Spring Break 2007

Its been a month since I blogged last! Eeeek! Well, maybe this is me turning over a new leaf, actually, I hope this is me turning over a new leaf.

I just got home from the best, most fun, spring break I've had in years. Ah, the beauty of being a teacher...I still get to celebrate that spring break thing that most people just get to remember with great longing.

Anyways, I'm exhausted from a day of travelling, but Bethany MacKay and I just got home from Italy mere hours ago. It was an amazing week of seeing my brother and sister-in-law, seeing the sights of Italy, and just relaxing. We saw Florence, Venice, Padua, Sacile, Nove, and the inside of the Frankfurt airport (which by the way still allows smoking inside!?!). Definitely more details very soon...even pictures when I get them on the computer.