My sister-in-law, Liz called me last Sunday and left me a message asking me to run the Army Ten-Miler in October. TEN MILES!! I've never even ran half of that, but somehow, I said yes. So, after registering for the run, buying new shoes, and going for a weeks worth of training runs (four of them, one every other day so far) I'm on my way to the big 1-0!
Everybody I've talked to says I'll be fine, and that I've got plenty of time to train...plenty! Still, I'm feeling the pressure of a deadline and I'm actually serious about doing this. I'm starting small, but every run is feeling easier for a longer time!
I'm running in memory of my brother on a team for an organization called TAPS. Liz went to a seminar they had in D.C. over Memorial Day and said that they are an excellent organization that help families who have lost loved ones in the military. If you're interested in knowing more about it just take a look at this link:
When I finally agreed to do this Liz said "Christian would be so proud of us," and you know what? That made me smile! It really would, he would have been running right along side of us!