Tuesday, May 22, 2007


What a time of change! There are less than two weeks left until moving day. I have so many thoughts that I almost don't know how to sort them out. I feel as if one big change is the catalyst for other changes, big and little, to happen in my life.

I think back to the year after I graduated from college. Talk about big change! I graduated in December 2002 and moved home leaving most of my friends with another semester to spend together. The changes I remember were traumatic at the time, maybe less so now as I reflect, but big ones in my oh-so-young life! There was the disappointment of a fizzled romantic relationship, the death of one grandmother and then the other, the marriage of a close friend and the engagement of a lifetime kindred spirit, the loss of a community of my immediate peers, the decision to go to grad school, the summer of few friends, and the list seems as if it could go on and on!

Woven in amongst all of these changes was the gentle prodding, which soon turned into a persistent chasing, of the Holy Spirit. I remember, after bouts of spiritual dryness, or during particularly sad times, how comforting I found the promises of Scripture to be. As I am in the midst of so many changes and gearing up for a host of others, I hope I can remember the way that there was sometimes sweet, sometimes fierce, and always persisitent guidance of the Holy Spirit in my life and recognize it here and now in the present.

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