Tuesday, March 04, 2008

A Long Case of the Mondays

The blog was just on hiatus for a wee bit, don't worry I'm still going to post. I think I had a very, very long case of the Monday's, otherwise known as February. I know that it is my birthday month and celebrating is always fun, but I've got to tell you all...I'm sick of the cold. I was talking with Liz the other day and we were both saying that we feel as if our only topic of conversation is how we wish that the weather would change, and yet it stays just as frigid as ever. I know that I really have nothing to complain about, seeing as I was able to go to the tropics in January, but here I am, complaining nonetheless.

I've been emailing back and forth with a friend who has become very dear to me in the past couple of months and I was thinking today when I received her message that I am truly blessed to have friends (and even people I don't know of) who have come up alongside of me over the past months. I am reminded by many people throughout my days and weeks that I am being remembered and prayed for in this hour of grief. To all who have sent an encouraging word or who have been holding us all up in prayer...from the bottom of my heart thank you. You are loved and appreciated by me.

I've been sad, I am sad and my insides hurt in a way that was completely foreign to me on November 7, 2007. This thing, this grief, has become my constant companion. It seems to have a personality and a mind and will all its own. Some days are good and there are good times with friends, laughing, fun stuff, but the underlying current of my emotions can just be draining.

Ehhh...after reading back over that it sounds pretty sad a depressing. I know there is still abundant good in my life that I have to be thankful for. I know this and I know that God is good and that he is holding me up with his everlasting arms. Praise the Lord for those strong arms of strength!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just reading this today...a beautiful post.... love you!
I totally get the February issue...but it's starting to get a little better with more daylight - sunshine, and inch by inch, the snow is receding.