Monday, January 15, 2007

The Place of Scripture

This is just a little piece of a prayer that I prayed in the summer of 2006. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, I found use for it again, just recently.

"Lord, Before I even open my Bible I must confess, I am coming from a very dry spiritual time. Not so evident to those around me, but the dryness of my heart has been chaffing against the persistent prodding of the Holy Spirit. "

I was thinking about why I fall into the pattern of neglecting the study of Scripture so easily and I came up with a theory. My best and most affective times of study, in any area of life, are when I have a purpose behind my study. So, I choose to have a purpose.

My purpose will be, and is, to study Scripture in order to show myself the wonders and the riches of the promises of God to his people and then to let those promises seep into my life and out of my thoughts, words, and actions. My purpose to to be transformed into the person that God desires for me to be. I desire nothing more than to be a woman of God. Scripture is where I belong.


Lucky's mom said...

Yay, Maja. This is where I am too. Thank you for your encouragement - I needed it. Thanks for being vulnerable about something few of us are willing to admit.

Anonymous said...

David's prayer, too - Psalm 119:18 "Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law."