Friday, October 13, 2006

Finally...the weekend!

As of Friday evening, I still have not had time to figure out how to make my blog pretty or interesting. Ah, well, all in due time, in due time. The thought still comes to me that I have absolutely no idea what to actually blog about. When I think blog, I think interesting, thought provoking, and even a bit humorous at times. None of which I am feeling right now. Let's just say its been a long week!

Between a scary listening exam in my music history class and 5:30am alarms, I am utterly fried. I'm almost never the one to stay home on a Friday night, but the alluring call of my old Wheaton sweatshirt, my down comforter, and a stack of books from the library was so enticing, that the thought of getting in the car and actually going somewhere was almost sickening. A night in is just what I need and its a good night to be in too! I think that winter might be taking an early stab at us. Its been cold!

My little brother is on his way home from school to hang out with the family for the weekend. It's his first post-high school homecoming, so he wouldn't miss it. As much as our house is much calmer without him here, I miss having him around. Never a dull moment with Lars around.

In order to make this blog interesting, I promise to learn the ins and outs of maintaining and updating. I will even attempt some photographs, just be patient with me!

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